Devon Air Ambulance

It costs around £4.5 million each year to keep the Devon helicopters flying, and the Cornwall service costs around £2.5 million per year to run. If everyone in Devon and Cornwall donated just 1p per day every day, that would pay for the services for the whole of the year. Only 1p a day!

Between them the services assist around 1500 patients per year, reaching the whole of both counties within 15 minutes. Incidents in Cornwall are often attended by the Devon Air Ambulance, and vice versa. Patients are taken to the most suitable medical centre for their needs (not just the closest) – so sometimes that means flying all the way to Bristol Children’s Hospital and even specialists in London.

Without the Devon and Cornwall Air Ambulances, there’s a lot of people who wouldn’t be around or would be in a life-changing situation – including friends and family of Mr & Mrs DCBMC, and members of our beardy community.